How App Localization Will Help You Gain Traction

The world has become a global village. Individuals, as well as businesses, are no longer confined by geographical boundaries. Buyers’ tastes and preferences have also lost their physical limitations aspect thanks to apps like Amazon, Alibaba, and many others. If your business trades internationally, then it is vital that you understand how you can traverse the global landscapes to deliver products, services, or solutions giving your customers a unique and tailored local experience.


App localization is one such way that entails refining the smaller details such as language, date and time, currency, and legal matters in the context of a particular target market. It is important to note that, for example, some images and icons which are perfectly acceptable in places like the US could be offensive in others. That is why it is paramount to first identify your target market, then research into the uniqueness of the tastes and preferences of your potential customers before taking a plunge. This research will give you a clear guide on how to market and penetrate that specific market.

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Over the past 5years, there has been tremendous growth in smartphones as well as mobile applications use. Apple App Store currently supports 40 languages as Google play store supports 77. Any entrepreneur using these platforms to expand his customer base is looking for ways to optimize his app conversion rate on both of these operating systems. Investing in app-translation is crucial in conversion optimization, but it is not enough to generate engagement and increase business revenue, which are both key in gaining and maintaining traction. That is why it is crucial to localize content.

App localization helps in customizing its interface in a way that makes customers, though from various cultural backgrounds, feel that the app is personal to them. Consequently, this can increase its downloads by up to 128% and revenue by 26%. Once you have done your research and understood what appeals to each of your target markets, market penetration into foreign markets becomes easy.

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It is at the conception of the app that app internalization must be put into consideration to ensure that the app is capable of translating to different languages making app localization possible. A high download rate in a place where English is not a native language is a good indicator that you need to localize your app to that specific area.


Traction is all about how well a startup company picks up, and the speed it gains in terms of business growth. It helps a company understand its current position in the industry against where it would like to be. There are two indicators of traction success:

· Customer response

· Revenue

Customer response indicates how customers engage with a company giving feedback about its products or services. Customers are more likely to engage with an app they can relate to than one that they can’t. To get traction for your business, make sure that you are hard to ignore. So, go where your customers are, get in front of them and tell them your product or solution exists.

App localization gets you in front of your customers, allowing more people to understand and connect with the value of your app, want to download it, use it, and even recommend it to others, consequently increasing your revenue through optimized conversions.

Customizing your app ensures that the graphics, tone of voice, color, style, functionality, and payment methods are relevant to your specific customers in that geographical area so that they can connect and engage better with it. To ensure your app is visible, it is advisable to use keywords specific to your target market when describing it.

Localizing your app’s contents is essential for your traction since it gives you that much-needed connection with your prospective customers regardless of their cultural background. For an international business, ignoring app localization is a poor business strategy since it means investing in a venture with a high probability of never being successful.

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